B’nai Jeshurun

B’nai Jeshurun (BJ) is an independent, spiritually vibrant, social justice-rooted, egalitarian Jewish community. Our members and leadership draw from their diverse Jewish, ethnic and geographic backgrounds to create rich and meaningful community life here in New York City—and increasingly, around the world! BJ was founded in 1825 by a group of spiritual trailblazers: Ashkenazi congregants from Congregation Shearith Israel (the Spanish Portuguese Synagogue, whose members were primarily Jews of Sephardic descent), who wanted a spiritual home that aligned with their values and customs. Ever since then, BJ has broken new ground with innovations in our music and prayer, deep commitment to social change, and family and youth programming.

257 West 88th Street
New York, NY 10024
(Between Broadway
and West End Avenue)

(212) 787-7600
BJ is a Jewish synagogue community and we welcome you to study, pray and serve with us.

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