IKAR Tribe 20s and 30s

We are seekers and skeptics, Hebrew school dropouts and lovers of Torah, activists, artists, and summer campanatics looking for meaningful Jewish connection and ready to find our people. We are the emerging generation of the larger IKAR community, and we craft regular TRIBE-specific programs for the heart, mind, and soul.


FEAST: Slow down, break (Challah) bread, and reconnect at our First Friday post-Shabbat dinner hang. Every other month the Feast Shabbat dinner will be hosted in homes across LA.

TRIBE SCHOOL: Your monthly Beit Midrash (house of learning). Come take a deep dive into the weekly parashah (Torah portion) with your fellow Torah nerds! Bring a partner to learn with or get matched when you arrive. No experience necessary and no prior reading required. It’s the Hebrew school you wish you went to.

HAPPY HOUR: Join us on the third Friday of the month for drinks (or non-alc beverages) & schmoozing followed by services.

SING: Let’s get together to share snacks, booze, schmooze, and sing some songs-both Jewish and secular. Bring your song suggestions, bring your instruments, bring your friends! The fourth Monday of each month.

ROSH HODESH NEW MOON WOMXN’S CIRCLE: A space for anyone who identifies as a womxn. Come to participate in the ancient Jewish ritual of Rosh Hodesh, and strengthen the connections between our minds, bodies, spirituality, and community.

PLUS – Holidays, House Parties, Justice, TRIBE Camp, and more.

We are the 20s/30s group within the IKAR Jewish community. We are seekers and skeptics, Hebrew school dropouts and lovers of Torah, activists, artists, and summer campanatics looking for meaningful Jewish connection and ready to find our people.

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